StarCraft is a science fiction real-time strategy game where players face off against each other playing as one of three races: Terrran, Protoss & Zerg in various campaigns, maps and mod editors. StarCraft II consists of three chapters focusing on one of the races. Wings of Liberty, released in July 2010, was Terran focused. Heart of the Swarm was an expansion released on March 2013 and was Zerg focused. Leagacy of the Void, a stand alone expansion, was released on November 2015 and was Protoss focused.
Below is a collection from the campaign that I am proud to have worked on.
Release Date:
July 27, 2010
Brand ID / Logos / Packaging / Promotions / Event Signage / Online Promotions
It’s A Plane!
Korean Air 747 & 737 Plane Wrap
Proud to partner with Korean Air to design and wrapping two 747 & 737 planes promoting StarCraft II.
We Love StarCraft!
A pleasure to celebrate the love for this franchise with the StarCraft Community by designing these logos.
Courtyard Banners
Campus Courtyard Banners
Guests to Blizzard’s main campus were welcomed by large hanging banners in the campus courtyard celebrating the 15 Year Anniversary of the StarCraft franchise.

Wings of Liberty Promo items
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty was released in July 2010. Attached is a small sample of the promotion pieces I worked on for the launch.

Signage created for launch events and BlizzCon.
Online Banners
Various online banners promoting StarCraft II.

Cinematic Trailers
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm
Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void
The cinematic trailers for the games are included as reference pieces only. I did not have any involvement in their creation.
All assets were created as exclusive property of Blizzard Entertainment.