School Assignments
DIY Side Projects
Dad Jobs
& Just for Fun
Go big or go home. “It is the way.” When my 10 year old son asked to be a bounty hunter for Halloween, I knew what he was shooting for having just watched The Mandalorian Season 1 together. Wanting to get into cosplay for a while, this was the opportunity I was waiting for but I also knew I would need to venture far beyond my comfort level and into foreign territories to achieve the results I pictured in my mind. Creating a cosplay costume for a child would help keep the “size” of the project down but the scope and scale was still a daunting challenge. I spent countless nights watching video after video on tips and tricks. I purchased and read books on the subject. I scoured the city tracking down materials.
This Mandalorian armor set was two months in the making. It consists of dozens of unique and individual pieces, each hand crafted and painted. Some pieces were one and done but most were a progression of trial and error.
The materials I used include a pair of pants & jacket purchased at Goodwill and dyed using Rit color dye. The boots were also purchased from Goodwill and embellished. Eva foam was used for the helmet armor pieces and detail work. Other random materials include various glues, tapes, Exacto blades, needle & thread, felt, faux leather, Sharpies and paints,
Completion date: 10/2020
Below is a closer look at a few of the individual pieces, each unique in their design, build, execution and paint. (Click to Enlarge)
Blasters can be found below.
STAR WARS : E-11 Imperial Blaster
While falling down a YouTube rabbit hole one evening, I came across a video from Kamui Cosplay titled Star Wars Imperial Blaster with EVA foam (video link: After captivity watching, I thought, I might be able to do that. When I saw a pattern was included in the video link, the challenge was on.
This being my first build I am more than happy with the results. Thanks Svetlana and Benny! You have opened my eyes to an entirely new area of creative play.
Completion date: 08/2020
STAR WARS : DH-411 Heavy Blaster with Side Plasma Cannon
The next project I wanted to tackle was a Nerf gun modification. A special shout out to the amazing creations of Evil Ted, Adam Savage, Kamui Cosplay and Punished Props for their inspiration. Your work is truly awesome.
The base gun is a Nerf Adventure Force Eradicator Dart Blaster. The materials I used include: EVA foam, PVC pipes and fittings, a bike grip, Evil Ted’s Cyber Tech Cosplay Molds as well as his Tech Bolt Molds, Plasti-Dip and paints.
The design is based roughly on Cara Dune’s blaster from The Mandalorian: Season 1.
And Yes!! The gun still fires Nerf darts!!
Completion date: 09/2020
Click to enlarge images.

STAR WARS : DL-22 Mini Blaster
This pint sized weapon was inspired by Han Solo’s DL-44. After coming across my son’s Fortnite Micro Battle Bus from Nerf in a bag headed for Goodwill, we decided an upgrade was needed. This one day build was a fun father-son team up.
Completion date: 08/2020

Quality Father-Daughter time was achieved while assisting my daughter on her landmarks of California school project.
Winchester Mystery House
525 S Winchester BLVD
San Jose, CA 95128
Completion date: 01/2022

As a massive collegiate sports fan, I was crushed to hear the cancelation of the 2020 NCAA March Madness Basketball Tournaments for both men and women. All spring and summer sports soon followed. While getting used to the idea of wearing face masks in public I started to imagining a world where sports could hopefully resume and fans could show their school pride while staying safe. With limited mask choices available at the time, I set out to design a few for some of my favorite teams.
Over time, many companies and schools started making themed masks.
Completion date: 04/2020
All masks were created as comps without the permission of the NCAA, the Conferences or the individual Universities.
Venus Flytrap | Halloween Costume 2019
Completion date: 10/2019
Pumpkin Design Contest:
1st Place — Most Creative
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School
Completion date: 10/2019
A tip of the hat to Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room, my backyard is adorned with tropical birds perched over custom nameplates. Each nameplate was individually crafted and hand lettered.
Completion date: 04/2019
There are few word to describe the beauty and warmth in a piece of art made from wood. No two pieces are ever the same. From time to time I enjoy playing with various tools to see what can be created.
The plaques below were cut using a jigsaw and carved using a Dremel.
They were then stained or painted, sealed and hug.
Aloha is a Hawaiian word offering a friendly “Welcome” and “Farewell” and the pineapple is the international symbol of warmth and hospitality. What better way to welcome guests into our backyard than with this hand made sign?
Dimensions: 18” x 9”
Completion date: 10/2020
Dimensions: 8” x 8”
Completion date: 12/2020
The University of Notre Dame - Fighting Irish
Dimensions: 18” x 18” x 0.75”
Completion Date: 12/2020
The creations in this section were hand cut from 1/4” and 1/2” MDF board using a jig saw and/or scroll saw. Each individual piece was painted and sealed then reassembled creating a unique layered 3D piece of art to display or hang.
Mortal Kombat Franchise
Dimensions: 12” x 12” x 0.75”
Completion Date: 01/2021
More Coming Soon!
All logos/signs were created for personal display.

My Son’s Neverland bedroom was waiting to welcome him home from the hospital. It included several one of a kind items I created such as hand painted wall murals, a pirate mast window dressing, Captain Hook curtain tiebacks, a corner book shelf made to look like a 3 dimensional tree and a Mickey and friends wooden plaque cut and hand painted. Special shout out to Grandma for the pixie dust shades and the Indian tepee.
Completion date: 07/2010.

ELDER High School - Cincinnati, Ohio
During my four year at ELDER High School, art was a huge part of my life. I explored many different mediums trying to constantly push my abilities. Each Halloween the art department created masks, during various sport seasons I was asked to create program covers and logos for shirts and prior to my senior year, student council requested I design a large mural and paint it at the entrance to our football stadium.
Duration: 1992-1996

Logo design for the Cincinnati Bombers Youth Soccer Club.
This logo was embroidered on jerseys, warm-up suits and player bags.
Completion date: 1994