

What if Tony Montana survived the end to the 1983 film Scarface? In this 2006 title from Radiacl Entertainment, set out as Tony as you try to exact your revenge on those who ousted you from power and re-establish your drug empire in Miami.

Perhaps scarred not to be a part of the team assigned to bring Tony back into the world. Concepts and designs reached far and wide, but ultimately the clear choice was simply black and white. Still an honor to role the game out onto the various platforms and across multiple promotions and in-store displays.


Release Date:

October 10, 2006


PC, PS2, Xbox, Wii


Print / Packaging


2006 Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2
& Xbox
2007 Wii

Collector’s Edition Comp

Print Ads

Multiple ads were run in various gamer magazines.
Example shown: Electronic Gaming Monthly, October 2006 (#208)


Promo Items

A small sample of the many promotion items built.

Video Game Teaser Trailer


The trailer for this game is included as a reference piece only. I did not have any involvement in its creation nor do I claim ownership of it.


All assets were created as exclusive property of Vivendi Universal Games.