An incredible opportunity to partner with Radical Entertainment and Marvel Comics to unleash The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction on PlayStation 2, XBox and GameCube in this 2005 action-adventure beat’em up video game.
HULK SMASH!! To be given the “green light” to go wild and lose control on this amazing project involving one of the biggest and baddest super heroes of all times was more than I could have imagined so early in my career. It was a privilege and an honor to be a part of the creative team that brought to life this game and I was beyond excited to see many of my thoughts, designs and creations brought to life throughout the campaign.
Release Date:
August 23, 2005
PS2, Xbox, GameCube
Print / Packaging / Logo / Brand ID
Packaging & Logo Comps
A dream came true with the opportunity to concept packaging and logo designs for a childhood hero of mine growing up, The Incredible Hulk. Although these comps were not taken to final, many elements were adapted and implemented helping to form the final product.
“The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction is a smashing good time!”
Final Packaging
Happy to assist the creative team building out the various console platforms.
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Radical Entertainment
PlayStation 2, Xbox & GameCube
Print Ads
Print ads were run in various gamer magazines and comic books. A special tri-fold cover ad was also created.
Just one example from the many in-store promotion items created.
E3 Video Game Trailer (2005)
The trailer for this game is included as a reference piece only. I did not have any involvement in its creation nor do I claim ownership of it.
All assets were created as exclusive property of Vivendi Universal Games.