World of warcraft
World of Warcraft is a subscription based massive multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) released on November 23, 2004. Players are required to choose a side and fight alongside the noble Alliance as a human, night elf, dwarf and gnome or battle with the savage Horde as an orc, tauren, undead or troll. At its peek the game had over 13 million subscribers worldwide and over 100+ million accounts have been created making it one of the highest-grossing video games of all time.
I am honored to have been a part of the original creative team responsible for establishing the look and feel for all WoW marketing. As a graphic designer at the time, I am truly proud of the work we did but I am personally honored to be the one responsible for creating the Collector’s Edition. Over the years, many great projects have followed. Below are a few of the more memorial projects for me.
Release Date:
November 23, 2004
Brand ID / Logos / Packaging / Promotions / Event Signage / Online Promotions
The Challenge We Faced
Introducing a new I.P. is always a challenge . Most games revolve around a simple story narrative. Hero or hero group A needs to go from B to C and defeat villain D to save the day before the world ends. Packaging typically revolves around a few common themes: the hero in an epic hero pose, the villain looking overpowering and on the verge of absolute control, or a strong action scene where the viewer thinks to themself, “Hell yeah I want to do that!”
World of Warcraft changed that story narrative and broke the mold many times over. Players in this game customize a character from several races, select a side between two warring factions and enter into a free roaming world to create their own adventures and live out their own story. With infinite character possibilities and an entire world at your disposal, the challenge before us was, how do you package that?
The Design Solution and the Pillars of Success
The Logo
Not only can a title excite you but it can inform and spark your imagination. Mystery, adventure, discovery and danger are all pieces contained in the World of Warcraft logo. It is no accident that many of the themes within this logo are carried throughout the standard edition packaging.
The Map
Every journey or quest begins with a purpose or direction. To explore a new world, one should start with a map. It is the cornerstone to a strong foundation. Earth tones and a neutral color palette reinforce the idea of starting a new.
The Portal
Entrance into a new world should be no ordinary door. A mystical ruin etched ring guides the viewer into the world that awaits, and yet another tie back to the logo.
The Characters
Characters and our interactions with them are the strongest bonds between players and games. This is a journey meant to be shared. We and others may start off guarded and stern, but soon we grow to be one in our surroundings.
Building on the Past
The interior flap welcomes the viewer to a scene rich with color. Fans of Warcraft 3 are welcomed to a familiar piece of Warcraft lore helping to push the idea of multiple realms to explore.
Reinforcing the Look & Feel
To achieve an old world look and feel, rough hand lettered fonts were selected for headlines and subheads.
Epic Screenshots
World of Warcraft is rich in content and beauty. Capturing moments in time where players can dream to one day find themselves was a task all of its own.
Standard Edition
Choose your side. At launch, two packaging options were available: the blue Alliance cover and red Horde cover.
Interior Flaps
Just as the world continues to grow, the packaging unfolds in front of you with this ever expanding configuration.
Downloading the Game
Prior to DVDs, a game of this size did not come on one disc. This provided a great opportunity to again highlight the many character races on multiple discs.
Collector’s Edition
As a graphic designer, it was an honor to have my design selected for the World of Warcraft: Collector’s Edition setting the look and feel for all future expansions.
To design a collector’s edition we tried to image an actual in game item that might be carried around by one of the characters. We asked how that item might look or feel. We contemplated magical relics, treasure boxes or crates, satchels and bags. The idea that kept coming back to the front was an ancient tomb, an object highly regarded yet weathered and old. It needed to look and feel as if it might have been passed down for generations. As future stories were in development waiting to be told, the tomb became the clear choice.
Fans lined up hour before the midnight launch of World of Warcraft at Fry’s Electronics and a chance to meet the development team and have their copy of the games signed.
60 - Day Pre-Paid Card Amaray
World of Warcraft is a pay to play experience requiring a monthly subscription. However, fans can purchase or gift time to another via a pre-paid card sold at retail.
Starter Edition Amaray
Fans curious to try the game prior to purchasing the full version of the game could select to buy a Starter Edition, create a character and play up to level 20 for $.99.
Promotion items
Fans can quickly identify World of Warcraft’s marketing by its consistency with the brand pillars. Each beautifully crafted piece was meticulously designed to engage with the viewer and welcome them into our world. Quality and excellence became the standard.
Mtn Dew Promotion
Proud to have partnered with the design team from Mountain Dew providing assets and feedback to layouts and design on the special promotion.
The World of Warcraft Mountain Dew commercial is included as a reference piece only. I did not have any involvement in its creation.
Digital Game Cards & Pre-Paid Subscription Cards
Threw the year, retail space has continued to shrink, yet World of Warcraft continues to have a presence with pre-paid cards.
ampm Promotion
Starbucks Promotion
Visa Card Promotion
Continuing to Grow
Over the year, World of Warcraft has continued to grow beyond just a game on a PC. Fans can now experience it on the phone via the App, watch content and series on YouTube or catch eSport battles on Twitch. Included are just a few of the logos I created or assisted in the creation of to support the World of Warcraft franchise over the years.

Online Promotions
Messaging the Players
A small sample of online promotions to support and grow the franchise through the years. Online promotions included; Pre-Purchase, Cross Promotions, Recruit-A-Friend, Holiday Sales, Expansion and Patch Information, Charity Pets, Pet and Mount Sales, Cosmetic Sales, Realm Transfer and various other Value Added Services and more. Each of the examples listed were reproduced in various sizes for all online placements.

Cinematic Trailer
The cinematic trailer for the game is included as a reference piece only. I did not have any involvement in its creation.
All assets were created as exclusive property of Blizzard Entertainment.